Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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aoCAMPING AND WOODCRAFTpanic of fear, as irrational but quite as urgent asthat which swoops upon a belated urchin when heis passing a country graveyard at night. It willtake a mighty effort of will to rein himself in <strong>and</strong>check a headlong stampede.Panic.—In such predicament as this, a man isreally in serious peril. The danger is not from thewilderness, which, pitiless niggard though it be tothe weak-minded or disabled, can yet be forced toyield food <strong>and</strong> shelter to him who is able-bodied <strong>and</strong>who keeps his wits about him. No: the man'sdanger is from himself.I have heard old woodsmen say that there is nouse in offering advice to novices about what theyshould do if they get lost, because a lost man is aninsane m.an, anyway, <strong>and</strong> will remember nothingthat has been told him. Certainly it is true that ifa man in such a strait permits panic to conquer him,he is likely either to perish or to <strong>com</strong>e out of thewoods a gibbering lunatic. There have been manysuch cases. But it is not true that they are the rule.Thous<strong>and</strong>s of wayfarers have been lost for a day,two days, or longer, without losing their self-<strong>com</strong>m<strong>and</strong>.And there really is no valid excuse for anable-bodied person going out of his head from beingbewildered in the big woods so long as he has a gun<strong>and</strong> ammunition, or even a few dry matches <strong>and</strong> ajackknife. The first time I was lost, I was rattled<strong>and</strong> shook all over. Something seemed to tell methat camp lay in a certain direction, <strong>and</strong> I felt thesame impulse to rush madly toward it that one feelsto dash for the door when there is a cry of *'fire!"in a theater. But I did remember what old Barneshad told me: "If you get lost, sit downl—sit down<strong>and</strong> give yourself half an hour to think it over." Isat down, <strong>and</strong> for five minutes could not think ofanything, except cold, <strong>and</strong> rain, <strong>and</strong> hunger. Then

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