Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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WOODCRAFT 15ing Will Tahlahlah giving me a lesson in Cherokee,remarked rather sourly to the redskin: "You needn'tteach him anything; he's more of an Indian thanyou are."Seldom during those three years as a forest exiledid I feel lonesome in daytime ; but when supperwould be over, <strong>and</strong> black night closed in on myhermitage, <strong>and</strong> the owls began calling all the bluedevils of the woods, one needed some indoor occupationto keep him in good cheer: <strong>and</strong> that is how Icame to write my first little book on camping <strong>and</strong><strong>woodcraft</strong>.Since then I have spent several more years in "thesticks," at much the same kind of life, save that nowI had as partner one of the best woodsmen in thiscountry, a man so genuinely a scholar in hi? chosenlore that he could well afford to say, as once he didto me: "I've studied these woods <strong>and</strong> mountains allmy life, Kep, like you do your books, <strong>and</strong> I don'tknow them all yet, no sirree." And I now say tothe reader, for myself, just what Bob said to meabout himself, save that my experience covers a lessperiod of time.In the school of the woods there is no graduationday. What would be good <strong>woodcraft</strong> in one regionmight be bad bungling in another. A Maine guidemay scour all the forests of northeastern America,<strong>and</strong> feel quite at home in any of them ; but put himin a Mississippi canebrake, <strong>and</strong> it is long odds thathe would be, for a time.Perplexed, bewildered, till Tie scarce doth knowHis right forefinger from his left big toe.And a southern cane-cracker would be quite asmuch at sea if he were turned loose in a spruceforest in winter. But it would not take long foreither of these men to "catch on" to the new conditions;for both are shifty, both are cool-headed, <strong>and</strong>both are keen observers. Any man may blunderonce, when confronted by strange conditions; bui

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