Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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ILLUSTRATIONSPAGE1 Following the Wrong Stream .... 222 Ox-bow Bends 233 Need of Base-line ........ 394 One Blaze=/i-way from Camp .... 415 Two Blazes=To-wards Camp .... 416 Bush Mark 427 Use of Divides 468 Numbering Sections of a Township , . 669 Subdivision of Sections 6710 Compass Variation 7411 Meridian by Sun 7612 True North <strong>and</strong> South ..,.,, 1713 Big Dipper <strong>and</strong> Pole Star 7814 Route Sketch by Pacing 8115 Map by Combining Route Sketches . . 8316 Route Sketch, by C. H. Morrill .... 9017 Hitches on Measuring Line 9118 Laying Out a Right Angle 9219 Width of River by Compass .... 9320 Measuring Width without Compass . . 9321 Measuring a Height . 9422 Extemporized Level 9523 Pack Harness with Head Strap . . . 11924 U. S. A. Knapsack 12325 Rucksack with Flap 12326 Plain Rucksack 12427 Rucksack in Use 12528 29 Norwegian Knapsack 12630 Tourist's Knapsack 12731 Nessmuk Pack Sack 12732 Duluth Pack Sack 129ZZ Whelen Pack Sack 12934 Pack Basket 13235 Abercrombie Pack Frame 132Z6 Felling Tree 190Z1 Boggled Notch 19038 True Notch 19039 Logging Up . . . 192

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