Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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396 INDEXBraising, 296Bread, 191Army, 348Baking, 342Corn, 352, 353Fried, 357Gritted, 352Lungwort, 350Raising in pot, 350Salt-rising, 349Snow, 353Sour-dough, 349Stale, To freshen, 347,356Unleavened, 351Wheat, 346Breakfast foods, 362Breeches, 144Broiling, 292, 322Browse bag, 134Buckskin jackets, 147moccasins, 158Buckwheat cakes, 356Bunks, 53Butchering game, 264Butter, 191Care of, 220Keeping, 191Cakes, Mixed, 355Calories, i8i, 202Cameras, 176Camp conveniences, 223cookery, 290Exposure of, 216furniture, 53, 2i8making, 208pests, 24XPrivacy of, 216sanitation, 222sites, 208, 212, 2i6Camp-fires, loi, 225, 230,231<strong>Camping</strong>, 20Preparations for, 207System in, 217C<strong>and</strong>lesticks, Improvised,221Caps, i6oCapsules, 197Carbohydrates, 179Caribou hide, 131, 148, 158Carryalls, 137Catfish, To skin, 285Celluloid varnish, 73Centipedes, 259Cereals, 185, 193Cooking, 361Left-over, 362Chairs, Camp, 55Cheese. 191Chests, Camp, 206Chocolate as a beverage,379as food, 194Chopping-block, 223Chops, Cooking, 294Chowder, Clam, 330Fish, 326Chuck boxes, 207Citric acid, 197Clam chowder, 330Clams, Baked, 330Stewed, 301Cloth, Dyeing, 74Waterproofing, 72, 14^Clothes hangers, 58line, 224Clothing, 138Colors, 143, 147, 162for cold weather, 162women, 163Coals, To keep alive, 229Coats, 146Mackinaw, 162Cocoa, 199, 379Codfish balls, 337hash, 337Stewed, 336Coffee, 197Brewing, 378Cold storage, 67, 220, 287Comfort in camp, 124Comforters, 126, 12SCompass, 168Comrades <strong>and</strong> camp boreSjCo idiments, 199Cook's measures, 387miscellany, 387time-tables, 317, 373, 388Cookers, Fireless, SG

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