Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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INDEX TO VOLUME IAlmanacs, 172Ants, 220, 256Apple dumpling, 382Ash cake, 344, 352Axes, 113Care of, 114, 115, 224Bacon, 186<strong>and</strong> eggs, 332Boiled, 332Broiled, 332Fried, 332omelet, 332Toasted, 332Baking bread, 342in a hole, 297ashes, 344, 353clay, 298clay oven, 345Dutch oven, 342embers, 298frying pan, 344kettle, 343reflector, 347the hide, 297meat, 297on a slab, 345Baking powder, 346B<strong>and</strong>ages, Triangular, 174Bannocks, 344Barbecuing, 296, 309Bark as fuel, 230, 233Bean soup, 375Beans, 195Baked, 367<strong>and</strong> dried, 368with birds, 297Boiled, 367Bear, Butchering, 274Cooking, 292, 296Beaver tail, Cooking, 314Bed-bugs, 256?95Bed rolls, 136Bed tick, 134Bedding, 124Beef extract, 199Gravy from, 303Beef, Corned, 187, 334Hash, 335Beef, Dried, 187Creamed, 335Belts, 145Benches, Rustic, 218Beverages, 197, 378Birds baked in clay, 299with beans, 297Broiled, 315Deviled, 319Fricasseed, 315Fried, 315Hanging to ripen, 282,314Roasting, 317Small, To cook,To dress, 282319dry, 279keep, 283ship, 283Biscuit, 347Dropped, 348loaf, 344, 346Bites <strong>and</strong> stings, 249, 257Bittern, Cooking, 319Blanket, To roll up in,To wear, 128128Blankets, 127Airing, 224Blow-flies, 250, 275, 276Boiling, 299, 324at high altitudes, 300Boots, 156Felt, 161Brains <strong>and</strong> eggs, 306Cooking, 306

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