Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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COOK'S MISCELLANY 387j'ab them once or twice into the ground. Rustyones can be burnished by rubbing with a freshly cutpotato dipped in wood ashes. The scouring rush{Equisetum hymenale), which grows in wet places<strong>and</strong> along banks throughout the northern hemisphere,has a gritty surface that makes an excellentswab. It is the tall, green, jointed, pipe-stem-likeweed that children amuse themselves with, by pullingthe joints apart. The sooty outside of a potis readily cleaned with a bit of sod ("monkeysoap ").In brief, the art of dish washing consists first incleaning oft nearly all the grease before using yourdish-cloth on it. Then the cloth will be fit to useagain. Dish-cloths are the supplies that first runshort in an average outfit.COOK'S MEASURES45 drops water=i teaspoonful^n fluid dram.2 teaspoonfuls=i dessertspoonful.4 teaspoonfuls=i tablespoonful.2 tablespoonfuls=i fluidounce.4 tablespoonfuls=i wineglassful.8 tablespoonfuls=i gill.2 gills^i cup.4 gills=i pint (i Tb. water).2 pints=i quart (i lb. flour).4 quarts=i gallon.2 gallons (dry)=i peck.4 pecks (dry)=i bushel.OUTFITTER'S DATABaking powder i Ib.=i^ pints.Beans, dried i qt.= i^ lbs.Coffee, roasted whole i qt.= io oz.Corn meal i qt.=i^4 lbs.Flour I qt.= i tb.Macaroni i Tb.=8^^x2Hx2f^ in.Oatmeal i qt.=^ lb.Peas, split i qt.=i^ lbs.Rice I qt.=2 lbs.Salt, dry i qt.= ij^ lbs.Soda crackers are about 3 times as bulky as bread, weightfor weight.Sugar, granulated .i qt.=i^ lbs.V^a I qt.= ^ lb.

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