Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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",TENTS FOR FIXED CAivIT*^ 35weighs less, bulks less when packed, does not mildew,does not have to be dried out every time beforemoving, <strong>and</strong> is easier to set up <strong>and</strong> manage thanone with a fly.A prime advantage of the processed cloth is thatit does not shrink when rained on. This means alot of trouble saved. With a tent of ordinary canvasit is necessary to slacken guys before a rain, <strong>and</strong>at night before turning in, lest the stakes be pulledloose. Of course, if long guy ropes are used theywill shrink, <strong>and</strong> must be eased before a rain, eventhough the tent itself be waterproof.Waterproof materials, <strong>and</strong> home methods ofwaterproofing tents, are discussed in Chapter V.For heavy tents, such as we are now considering, myown preference is either " green waterproof(Willesden) duck or a cravenetted khaki. Both ofthese are perfectly rainproof, in heavy <strong>and</strong> closelj^woven stuffs; they are soft, <strong>and</strong> are not affected byheat or cold.Colored tents, either khaki or green, are restfulto the eyes, blend pleasantly with their surroundings,<strong>and</strong> are not so likely as white ones to attractthe attention of unwel<strong>com</strong>e visitors, from insects totramps. They do not soil so easily as white canvas,<strong>and</strong> do not make shadow pictures of the inmatesby lantern light. Khaki or green is cooler underto shed rain <strong>and</strong> to make the tent cooler.the summer sun than white. It moderates the glarefor those who would sleep late or take a siesta (somecannot sleep well in a white tent under a full moon)<strong>and</strong> it does not light up so brilliantly as white canvaswhen the lightning flashes.Tent Flies.— A fly is an auxiliary roof of canvas,Most tent flies are set tight on top of the regularridge pole. A better plan, when the camp is not tobe shifted for a good while, is to use t\vo ridge poles,<strong>and</strong> so have a space between the fly <strong>and</strong> the ridgefor air to circulate through. In small tents, it ish<strong>and</strong>ier to have a stout b<strong>and</strong> on the :^idge of the

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