Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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38oCAMPING AND WOODCRAFTencinV' with nothing to guide her but her ownwits. The result was a discovery of prime valueto us campers.followthem:Here are the details — any one canWash one pound of evaporated apples (or <strong>com</strong>monsun-dried apples of the country) in two waters.Cover with boiling water, <strong>and</strong> put them onto stew. Add boiling water as required to keepthem covered. Cook until fruit is soft (about halfan hour). Strain off all the juice (cheesecloth isconvenient), <strong>and</strong> measure it. There will be, probably,a quart. Put this juice on the fire <strong>and</strong> addhalf its own measure of granulated sugar (say ascant pound — but measure it, to make sure of theproportion).Now boil this briskly in a broad, uncovered vessel,without stirring or skimming, until the juicegets syrupy. The time varies according to qualityof fruit — generally about twenty minutes after<strong>com</strong>ing to a full boil. When the thickened juicebegins to " flop," test it by letting a few drops dripfrom a spoon. When the drops thicken <strong>and</strong> adhereto the spoon, the syrup is done. There willbe a little more than a pint. Pour it out. As soon^s it cools it will be jelly, as good as if made fromfresh fruit <strong>and</strong> much better than what is <strong>com</strong>monlysold in the stores.The apples remaining can be spiced <strong>and</strong> used assauce, or made into pies or turnovers, or intoapplebutter by beating smooth, adding a teacupful ofsugar, spicing, <strong>and</strong> cooking again for fifteen ortwenty minutes.If preferred, a second run of jelly can be madefrom the same apples. Cover again with boilingwater, stew about fifteen minutes, add sugar bymeasure, as before. This will take less boilingthan the first juice (about seven minutes).Enough jelly will result to make nearly or quite aquart, all told, from one pound of dried apples <strong>and</strong>about one <strong>and</strong> one-half pounds of sugar.-Xoricots or anv other tart dried fruit can be used

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