Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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CHAPTER XXIIBEVERAGES AND DESSERTSCoffee.— To have coffee in perfection the berrymust be freshly roasted <strong>and</strong> freshly ground. Thiscan be done with frying-pan <strong>and</strong> pistol-butt; yetfew but old-timers take the trouble.There are two ways of making good coffee inan ordinary pot. ( i ) Put coffee in pot with coldwater (one heaped tablespoonful freshly groundto one pint, or more coffee if canned ground) <strong>and</strong>hang over fire. Watch it, <strong>and</strong> when water firstbegins to bubble, remove pot from fire <strong>and</strong> let itst<strong>and</strong> five minutes. Settle grounds with a tablespoonfulof cold water poured down spout. Donot let the coffee boil. Boiling extracts the tannin,<strong>and</strong> drives off the volatile aroma which is the mostprecious gift of superior berries. (2) Bring waterto hard boil, remove from fire, <strong>and</strong> quickly putcoffee in. Cover tightly <strong>and</strong> let steep ten minutes.A better way, when you have a seamless vessel thatwill st<strong>and</strong> dry heat, is to put coffee in, place overgentle fire to roast until aroma begins to rise, pourboiling water over the coffee, cover tightly, <strong>and</strong> setaside.Tea is best made in a covered enameled pail.Leave the lid off until the water boils hard, thendrop the tea in (one heaped teaspoonful to thepint is a <strong>com</strong>mon rule, but it depends on thestrength of the br<strong>and</strong> you use), remove from thefire at once, stir it to make tea settle, cover tightly,<strong>and</strong> steep aiuay from fire four minutes by the watch.Then strain into a separate vessel. A better wayis to use a tea-ball, or put the tea in a small square^78

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