Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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376 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFTflour mixed thin with cold water, stirring it inslowly as the kettle simmers. Boil slowly an hourlonger, stirring frequently so that it may not scorch.Season with little salt but plenty of pepper.Pea Soup.— Wash well one pint of split peas,cover with cold water, <strong>and</strong> let them soak overnight. In the morning put them in a kettle withclose-fitting cover. Pour over them three quartscold water, adding one-half pound lean bacon orham cut into dice, one teaspoonful salt, <strong>and</strong> somepepper. When the soup begins to boil, skim thefroth from the surface. Cook slowly three to fourhours, stirring occasionally till the peas are all dissolved,<strong>and</strong> adding a little more boiling water tokeep up the quantity as it boils away. Let it getquite thick. Just before serving, drop in sijiallsquares of toasted bread or biscuits, adding quicklywhile the bread is hot. Vegetables may be addedone-half hour before the soup is done.Turtle Soup.— Clean the turtle as directed inChapter XV, leaving legs on, but skin them <strong>and</strong>remove the toes, as well as outer covering of shell.Place remaining parts, together with a little julienne,in fresh, hot water <strong>and</strong> boil until all the meathas left the bones. Remove bones, add hot waterfor required quantity of soup. Salt <strong>and</strong> pepper totaste. A tablespoonful each of sherry <strong>and</strong> br<strong>and</strong>yto each quart of liquid improves the flavor.Condensed Soups.— Follow directions on wrapper.Skilligalee.— The best thing in a fixed camp isthe stock-pot. A large covered pot or enameledpail is reserved for this <strong>and</strong> nothing else. Into itgo all the clean fag-ends of game — heads, tails,wings, feet, giblets, large bones — also the leftoversof fish, flesh, <strong>and</strong> fowl, of any <strong>and</strong> all sortsof vegetables, rice, or other cereals, macaroni, stalebread, everything edible except fat. This pot isalways kept hot. Its flavors are forever changing,but ever wel<strong>com</strong>e. It is always ^

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