Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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VEGETABLES 375(2) Take 4 lbs. of lower leg bones of deer, ormoose, caribou, sheep, goat, elk, etc., 2 lbs. of themeat, a large h<strong>and</strong>ful each of julienne <strong>and</strong> rice,a few pieces of pork, i teaspoonful of salt, pepperto taste, <strong>and</strong> 4 quarts of water. Crack the soupbones so that the marrow will run out, place in alarge pot with the meat, water, <strong>and</strong> julienne, <strong>and</strong>boil slowly until the meat is shredded. Take outbones, add the rest of the ingredients, add hotwater to make the desired quantity of soup, <strong>and</strong>boil until rice is cooked. (Abercrombie.)Squirrel Soup.— Put the squirrels (not less thanthree) in a gallon of cold water, with a scant tablespoonfulof salt. Cover the pot closely, bring tothe bubbling point, <strong>and</strong> then simmer gently untilthe meat begins to be tender. Then add whatevervegetables you have. When the meat has boiledto a rag, remove the bones. Thicken the soup witha piece of butter rubbed to a smooth paste in flour.Season to taste.Croutons for Soup.— Slice some stale bread halfan inch thick, remove crust, <strong>and</strong> cut bread intohalf-inch dice. Fry these, a few at a time, in deepfat of the " blue smoke " temperature, until theyare golden brown. Drain free from grease, <strong>and</strong>add to each plate of soup when serving. (See alsopage 356.)Tomato Soup.— Take a quart can of tomatoes<strong>and</strong> a sliced onion. Stew twenty minutes. Meantimeboil a quart of milk. Rub to a paste twotablespoonfuls each of flour <strong>and</strong> butter, <strong>and</strong> addto the boiling milk, stirring until it thickens. Nowseason the tomatoes with a teaspoonful of sugar, alittle salt, <strong>and</strong> pepper. Then stir into the tomatoesone-half teaspoonful baking soda (to keep milkfrom curdling) , add the boiling milk, stir quickly,<strong>and</strong> serve.Bean Soup.— Boil with pork, as previously directed,until the beans are tender enough to crackopen ; then take out the pork <strong>and</strong> mash the beansInto a Daste. Return Dork to kettle, add a cup of

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