Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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374 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFTlarge onion. Pare six large, smooth potatoes, cutfive of them into quarters, <strong>and</strong> drop them into thekettle; scrape the sixth one into the soup for thickening.Season with salt <strong>and</strong> white pepper to taste.When, by skirmishing with the wooden fork, youcan fish up bones with no meat on them, the soupis cooked, <strong>and</strong> the kettle may be set aside to cool."Any kind of game may be used in a similar way,provided that none but lean meat be used. Soupis improved by first soaking the chopped-up meatin cold water, <strong>and</strong> using this water to boil in thereafter.Soup should be skimmed for some timeafter it has started simmering, to remove grease<strong>and</strong> scum.To anyone who knows petite marmite or pouleau-pot,these simple directions will seem barbarous— <strong>and</strong> so they are ; but barbarism has its <strong>com</strong>pensations.A really first-class soup cannot be madewithout a full day's previous preparation <strong>and</strong> theresources of a city grocery. Mulligatawny, forexample, requires thirty-two varieties of spices <strong>and</strong>other condiments. No start can be made with anyst<strong>and</strong>ard soup until one has a supply of " stock "made of veal or beef, mutton or poultry, by longsimmering <strong>and</strong> skimming <strong>and</strong> straining.In camp, stock can be made expeditiously bycutting one or two pounds of venison into thinslices, then into dice, cover with cold water, boilgently twenty minutes, take from the fire, skim,<strong>and</strong> strain. A tolerable substitute is Liebig's beefextract, or beef cubes, dissolved in water.Onion, cloves, mace, celery seed, salt, <strong>and</strong> redor white pepper, are used for seasoning. Sassafrasleaves, dried before the fire <strong>and</strong> powdered, makethe gumbo file of the Creoles. Recipes for a fewsimple, nourishing soups, are given below:Venison Soup.— " Put 4 or 5 lbs. of deer ribsin a bucket of water. Cook slowly until only halfa bucket of ' stock ' remains. Add i can tomatoes,54 cup rice, <strong>and</strong> salt to taste. Cook until these aredone." (Dr. O. M. Clay.)

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