Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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VEGETABLES 371should not be over four inches long, <strong>and</strong> shouldshow only a tuft of leaves at the top; if mucholder than this, they are unwholesome. Wash thestalks, scrape them, <strong>and</strong> lay in cold water for anhour; then tie loosely in bundles, put in a kettle ofboiling water, <strong>and</strong> boil three-fourths of an hour,or until tender; drain, lay on buttered toast, dustwith pepper <strong>and</strong> salt, cover with melted butter, <strong>and</strong>serve.Jerusalem artichokes must be watched whenboiling <strong>and</strong> removed as soon as tender; if leftlonger in the water they harden.Dock <strong>and</strong> sorrel may be cooked like spinach:pick over <strong>and</strong> wash, drain, shake, <strong>and</strong> press outadhering water; put in kettle with one cup water,cover kettle, place over moderate fire, <strong>and</strong> steamthus twenty minutes; then drain, chop very fine,,<strong>and</strong> heat in frying-pan as directed above.Mushrooms.— Every one who camps in summetshould take with him a mushroom book, such asGibson's, Atkinson's, or Nina Marshall's. (Sucha book in pocket form, with colored illustrations,is a desideratum.) Follow recipes in book. Mushroomsare very easy to prepare, cook quickly, <strong>and</strong>offer a great variety of flavors. The followinggeneral directions are condensed from Mcllvaine'sOne Thous<strong>and</strong> American Fungi:To Cleanse Mushrooms.— As they are found, cut loosewell above attachment. Keep spore surface doivn untiltop is brushed clean <strong>and</strong> every particle of dirt removedfrom stem. If stem is hard, tough, or wormy, remove it.Do all possible cleaning in the field.When ready to cook, wash by throwing into deep pan ofwater. Pass fingers quietly through them upward; letst<strong>and</strong> a moment for dirt to settle; then gather them fromthe water with fingers as a drain. Remove any adheringdirt with rough cloth. Thus wash in two or three waters.Lay to drain.The largest amount of flavor is in the skin, the removalof which is seldom justifiable.Concise Rule.— Cook in any way you can cook an oyster.Broiling.— Use well-spread caps only. Place caps oadouble broiler* gilU down. Broil two minutes. Ture,

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