Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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VEGETABLES 369Onions, Boiled.-— More wholesome this way thanfried or baked. Like potatoes, they should be of asuniform size as possible, for boiling. Do not boilthem in an iron vessel. Put them in enough boilingsalted water to cover them. Cover the kettle <strong>and</strong>boil gently, lest the onions break. They are cookedwhen a straw will pierce them (about an hour). Ifyou wish them mild, boil in two or three waters.When cooked, drain <strong>and</strong> season with butter or dripping,pepper, <strong>and</strong> salt. Boiled milk, thickened, is agood sauce.Green Corn.— If you happen to camp near a farmin the " roasting-ear " season, you are in great luck.The quickest way to roast an ear of corn is to cutoff the butt of the ear closely, so that the pith ofthe cob is exposed, ream it out a little, impale thecob lengthwise on the end of a long hardwood stick,<strong>and</strong> turn over the coals.To bake in the ashes: remove one outer husk,stripping off the silk, break off about an inch of thesilk end, <strong>and</strong> twist end of husks tightly down overthe broken end. Then bake in the ashes <strong>and</strong> embersas directed for potatoes. Time, about onehour.To boil: prepare as above, but tie the ends ofhusks ; this preserves the sweetness of the corn Putin enough boiling salted water to cover th« ears.Boil thirty minutes. Like potatoes, corn is injuredby over-boiling. When cooked, cut off the bulf, <strong>and</strong>remove the shucks.Cold boiled corn may be cut from the cob<strong>and</strong> fried, or mixed with mashed potatoes ai7dfried.Kedgeree.— Soak i pint split peas overnight?drain them, add i pound rice, some salt, pepper, <strong>and</strong>3^ teaspoonful ginger. Stir, <strong>and</strong> cover with i quartwater. Stir <strong>and</strong> cook slowly until done <strong>and</strong> almostdr>\ Make into a mound, garnished with friedonions <strong>and</strong> sliced hard-boiled eggs.Greens.— One who camps early in the season canadd a toothsome dish, now <strong>and</strong> then, to his menu

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