Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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VEGETABLES 367Select tubers of uniform size; wash; do not cut orbreak the skins. Put them in boiling water, <strong>and</strong>continue boiling until, when you pierce one with afork, you find it just a little hard in the center.Drain by raising the cover only a trifle when kettleis tilted, so as to keep in as much steam as possible.Hang the kettle high over the fire, cover closely, <strong>and</strong>let steam ten minutes.Sweet Potatoes, Fried.— Skin the boiled potatoes<strong>and</strong> cut them lengthwise. Dust the slices with salt<strong>and</strong> pepper. Throw them into hot fat, browningfirst one side, then the other. Serve very hot.Potatoes <strong>and</strong> Onions, Hashed,— Slice two potatoesto one onion. Parboil together about fifteenminutes in salted water. Pour off water, <strong>and</strong> drain.Meantime be frying some bacon. When it is done,remove it to a hot side dish, turn the vegetables intothe pan, <strong>and</strong> fry them to a light brown. Then faljto, <strong>and</strong> enjoy a good thing!Beans, Boiled,—Pick out all defective beans, <strong>and</strong>wash the rest. It is best to soak the beans overnight; but if time does not permit, add one-quarterteaspoonful of baking soda to the parboiling water.In either case, start in fresh cold water, <strong>and</strong> parboilone quart of beans (for four men with hearty appetites)for one-half hour, or until one will pop openwhen blown upon. At the same time parboil separatelyone pound fat salt pork. Remove scunffrom beans as it rises. Drain both; place beansaround pork, add two quarts boiling water, <strong>and</strong> boH-slowly for two hours, or until tender. Drain, <strong>and</strong>season with salt <strong>and</strong> pepper.It does not hurt beans to boil all day, providedboiling water is added from time to time, lest theyget dry <strong>and</strong> scorch. The longer they boil the moredigestible they be<strong>com</strong>e.Left-over beans heated in a frying-pan with alittle bacon grease have a pleasant <strong>and</strong> distinctiveflavor.Beans, Baked.— Soak <strong>and</strong> parboil as above, boththe beans <strong>and</strong> the pork. Then pour off the water

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