Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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366 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFTDrying the slices avoids a splutter in the pan <strong>and</strong>helps to keep from absorbing grease. If manyslices were dropped into the pan together, the heatwould be checked <strong>and</strong> the potatoes would get soggywith grease. When the slices begin to turn a faintbrown, salt the potatoes, pour off the grease at once,<strong>and</strong> brown a little in the dry pan. The outsideof each slice will then be crisp <strong>and</strong> the insides white<strong>and</strong> deliciously mealy.Potatoes, Lyonnaise.— Fry one or more slicedonions until they are turning yellowish, then addsliced or diced potatoes, previously boiled; keeptossing now <strong>and</strong> then until the potatoes are friedsomewhat yellow ; salt <strong>and</strong> pepper to taste ;you mayadd chopped or dehydrated parsley. Drain <strong>and</strong>serve.Potatoes, Creamed.— Cut I pint cold potatoesin cubes or thin slices; put in pan <strong>and</strong> cover withmilk; cook gradually until milk is absorbed. Thenadd I tablespoon butter, 1/2 teaspoonful salt, somepepper, <strong>and</strong> parsley. Stir a few moments, <strong>and</strong>serve.Potatoes au Gratin.— " Chop cold boiled potatoesrather fine. Rub a tablespoonful of butter with oneof flour, add 3^ pint of milk, <strong>and</strong> season with salt<strong>and</strong> pepper. When this mixture has boiled, mix itwith potatoes <strong>and</strong> turn into a baking dish. Sprinklegrated cheese over the top, pressing it down intothe cream sauce. Bake in a quick oven until agolden brown." (Arthur Chapman.)Potatoes, Stewed.— Cut cold boiled potatoes intodice, season with salt, pepper, butter, <strong>and</strong> stewgently in enough milk to cover them. Stir occasionallyto prevent scorching. Or, peel <strong>and</strong> slicesome raw potatoes. Cover with boiling water <strong>and</strong>boil until tender. Pour off the water. Roll a largepiece of butter in flour, heat some milk, beat thesetogether until smooth, season with salt <strong>and</strong> pepper,<strong>and</strong> bring to a boil. Then stew together fiveminutes. Serve very hot.Sweet Potatoes.. Boiled.— Use a kettle with lid.

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