Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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CHAPTER XXICAMP COOKERYVegetables.— SoupsFresh Vegetables.— Do not wash them until justbefore they are to be cooked or eaten. They loseflavor quickly after being washed. This is true«ven of potatoes.Fresh vegetables go into plenty of fast-boilingsalted water. Salt prevents their absorbing toomuch water. The water should be boiling fast,<strong>and</strong> there should be plenty of it. They shouldbe boiled rapidly, with the lid left off the pan. Ifthe water is as hot as it should be, the effect issimilar to that which we have noted in the caseof meats: the surface is coagulated into a waterproofenvelope which seals up the flavor insteadof letting it be soaked out. In making soup, therule is reversed.Dried Vegetables.— Beans <strong>and</strong> peas are to becooked in unsalted water. If salted too soon theybe<strong>com</strong>e leathery <strong>and</strong> difficult to cook. Put themin cold, fresh water, gradually heat to the boilingpoint, <strong>and</strong> boil slowly.Dehydrated Vegetables.— When time permitsthey should first be soaked in cold water, accordingto directions on package; this makes them moretender. The onions <strong>and</strong> soup vegetables, however,can be boiled without previous soaking. Heatgradually to the boiling point <strong>and</strong> cook slowly in acovered vessel until done. When served alone theyrequire butter for seasoning.Canned Vegetables.— The liquor of canned peas,string beans, etc., is unfit for use <strong>and</strong> should be363

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