Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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BREADSTUFFS 357chunk of butter <strong>and</strong> some salt, toast the bread, <strong>and</strong>pour milk over it. Heat the milk gradually to thesimmering point, but do not let it boil, lest it burn.Stale bread may also be dipped into smoking hotgrease. It will brown immediately. St<strong>and</strong> it edgewiseto drain, then lay on hot plate. Cut into dicefor soups.Fried Quoits.— Make dough as for biscuit.Plant a stick slanting in the ground near the fire.Have another small, clean stick ready, <strong>and</strong> a fryingpanof lard or butter heated sissing hot. Theremust be enough grease in the pan to drown thequoits. Take dough the size of a small hen's egg,flatten it between the h<strong>and</strong>s, make a hole in the centerlike that of a doughnut, <strong>and</strong> quickly work it(the dough, not the hole) into a flat ring of abouttwo inches inside diameter. Drop it flat into thehot grease, turn almost immediately, <strong>and</strong> in a fewseconds it will be cooked.When of a light brown color, fish it out with yourlittle stick <strong>and</strong> hang it on the slanting one beforethe fire to keep hot. If the grease is of the righttemperature, the cooking of one quoit will occupyjust the same time as the molding of another, <strong>and</strong>the product will be crisp <strong>and</strong> crumpety. If thegrease is not hot enough, a visit from your oldestgr<strong>and</strong>mother may be expected before midnight.(Adapted from Lees <strong>and</strong> Clutterbuck.)Fritters.— A dainty variety is added to the campbill-of-fare by fritters of fruit or vegetables, fish,flesh, or fowl. They are especially relished in coldweather, or when the butter supply is low. Beingeasily made <strong>and</strong> quickly cooked, they fit any time orplace.The one essential of good <strong>and</strong> wholesome frittersis plenty of fat to fry them in, <strong>and</strong> fat of the righttemperature. (The best friture is equal parts ofbutter <strong>and</strong> lard.)heat slowly until needed; then closer over the fireSet the kettle where the fat willuntil a bluish smoke rises from the center of the-kettle. Drop a cube of bread into ;*- ^^ ^ tajrns

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