Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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356 CAMPING AND WOOt?CRAP-rter IS best mixed with the water in which the rictwas boiled. Oatmeal, grits, or cold boiled potatoes,may be used in the same way. Stewed dried fruitis also a good addition; mix the flour with theirjuice instead of water.Corn Batter Cakes.—y2 pint corn meal,J4 pint flour,I heaped teaspoonful baking powder,I heaped teaspoonful sugar or 2 molassfew,1 level teaspoonful salt.After mixing the dry ingredients thoroughly, addcold water, a little at a time, stirring briskly, untila rather thick batter results. Bake like flapjacksWholesomer than plain flour flapjacks. These arebetter with an egg or two added, <strong>and</strong> if mixed withmilk instead of water. Snow can be substitutedfor eggs, as described above.Buckwheat Cakes.—1 pint buckwheat flour,Yz pint wheat flour,2 tablespoonfuls baking powder,J/2teaspoonful salt.Mix to a thin batter, preferably with milk. Acouple of eggs make them light, or make snow cakes.Syrup.— Mix maple or brown sugar with justenough water to dissolve it, <strong>and</strong> heat until clear.If white sugar is used, caramel it by putting it dryin a pan <strong>and</strong> heating until browned ; then add waterto dissolve it.Toast, Fritters, Dumplings, Etc.—Stale Bread.— Biscuit or bread left over <strong>and</strong> driedout can be freshened for an hour or two by dippingquickly in <strong>and</strong> out of water <strong>and</strong> placing in the bakeruntil heated through; or, the biscuit may be cutopen, slightly moistened, <strong>and</strong> toasted in a broiler.If you have eggs, make a French toast by dippingthe slices in whipped eggs <strong>and</strong> frying them.With milk, make milk toast: heat the milk, add a

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