Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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.BREADSTUFFS 353into the hot, greased pan, <strong>and</strong> not turned until thetop has begun to set. The bacon grease takes theplace ofbutter." If less water is used, the entire mixture may beput in the frying-pan at once, baked from the bottomup over coals until the top has set, <strong>and</strong> thenturned. It makes delicious johnny-cake. Tryrolling the trout in a little of the dry mixture."{Warwick S. Carpenter.)Corn Bread {Superior)Ipint corn mea),1 pint flour,—3 tablespoonfuls sugar,2 heaped tablespoonfuls butter,3 teaspoonfuls baking powder,r teaspoonful salt,2 eggs,I pint (or more) milk.Rub butter <strong>and</strong> sugar together. Add the beateneggs ; then the milk. Sift the salt <strong>and</strong> baking powderinto the meal <strong>and</strong> flour. Pour the liquid overthe dry ingredients, beating well. Pour batter intowell-greased pan, <strong>and</strong> bake thirty to forty minutesin moderately hot oven. Can also be made intomuffins.Corn Batter Bread.—1 pint corn meal,2, pints milk (or water),2 eggs,1 teaspoonful salt.Beat the eggs light; add the salt; then the meal<strong>and</strong> milk, gradually, until well blended. Bakeabout thirty minutes. This is the st<strong>and</strong>ard breakfastbread of the South, easily made, <strong>and</strong> (if themeal is freshly ground) delicious. A little boiledrice, or hominy grits, may be substituted for oartof the meal.Snow Bread.— After a fall of light, featherysnow, superior corn bread may be made by stirringtogether

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