Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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348 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFTrow turns brown ; reverse pan <strong>and</strong> continue untilrear row is similarly done. Time, twenty totwenty-five minutes in a reflector, ten to fifteenminutes in a closed oven.Dropped Biscuit.— These do away with breadboard,rolling-pin, <strong>and</strong> most of the work, yet areabout as good as stamped biscuit. Use same proportionsas above, except turn in enough water tomake a thick batter — one that will drop lazilyfrom a spoon. In mixing, do not stir the battermore than necessary to smooth out all lumps. Dropfrom a big spoon into the greased bake-pan.Army Bread.— This is easier to make than biscuitdough, since there is no grease to rub in, but it takeslonger to bake. It keeps fresh longer than yeastbread, does not dry up in a week, nor mould, <strong>and</strong>is more wholesome than biscuit. It is the onlybaking-powder bread I know of that is good to eatcold — in fact, it is best that way.1 quart flour,I teaspoonful salt,I tablespoonful sugar,z heaped teaspoonfuls baking powder.Mix the dry ingredients thoroughly. Then stirIn enough cold water (about i^ pints) to make athick batter that will pour out level. Mix rapidlywith spoon until smooth, <strong>and</strong> pour at once intobake-pan. Bake about forty-five minutes, or untilno dough adheres to a sliver. Above quantitymakes a i^-pound loaf (say 9x5x3 inches).For variety, substitute for the sugar two or threttablespoonfulsof molasses, <strong>and</strong> add one to two tea'spoonfuls of ginger.Breakfast Rolls.—1 quart flour,2 level tablespoonfuls butter,I egg,I teaspoonful baking powder,1 pint cold milk (or enough to make a soft dough).Rub butter <strong>and</strong> flour well together, add beaten

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