Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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340 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFT(see page 325), <strong>and</strong> spread this over the omeletbefore you begin to fold it; or they can be put inwith the eggs. Jam, jelly, or preserved fruit maybe used in a similar way (two tablespoonfuls, say,of marmalade to six eggs).Rum Omelet.— Beat three eggs, add a very smallpinch of salt, a teaspoonful of powdered sugar, aslice of butter, <strong>and</strong> a tablespoonful of rum. Fryas described above. Lay the omelet on a hot dish,pour around it one-half tumberful of rum that hasbeen warmed in a pan, light it, <strong>and</strong> serve with itsblue flame rising round it.Poached Eggs.— Put a pint of water in the fryingpan, with one-half teaspoonful of salt. If youhave vinegar, add two teaspoonfuls to the water:it keeps the whites from running too much. Bringthe water to a gentle boil. Break the eggs separatelyinto a saucer <strong>and</strong> slide them into the waterLet the water simmer not longer than three minutes,meantime ladling spoonfuls of it over the yolks.Have toast already buttered on a very hot plate.Lay eggs carefully on it. Eat at once. This maybe varied by moistening the toast with hot milk.Eggs, Boiled.— Eggs are boiled soft in two <strong>and</strong>one-half to three minutes, depending upon size <strong>and</strong>freshness. If wanted hard boiled, put them in coldwater, bring to a boil, <strong>and</strong> keep it up for twentyminutes. The yolk will then be mealy <strong>and</strong> wholeiome.Eggs boiled between these extremes areeither clammy or tough, <strong>and</strong> indigestible. To boileggs, soft, if you have no watch : put them in coldwater <strong>and</strong> set the pot over the fire. Watch thewater; when it begins to sing slightly, or when thefirst little bubbles arise, the eggs are done to a turn.Eggs, Roasted.— This can be done by coveringthe eggs with hot ashes <strong>and</strong> embers, but the shellsat one end to prevent themmust be cracked a littleexploding.Eggs, Stirred.— Make half a cup of rich gravy.Melt a tablespoon of butter in a pan <strong>and</strong> add the^riivv. When hissing hot. stir in five beaten pcrcrs'

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