Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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oURED MEATS 339Scrambled Eggs.— Put into a well-greased panas many eggs as it will hold separately, each yolkbeing whole. When the w^hites have begun to set,stir from bottom of pan until done (buttery, notleathery). Add a piece of butter, pepper, <strong>and</strong> salt.Another way is to beat the eggs with a spoon. Tofive eggs add one-fourth teaspoonful salt. Heat onetablespoonful butter in the frying-pan. Stir in theeggs, <strong>and</strong> continue stirring until eggs set. Beforethey toughen, turn them out promptly into a warmdish.Scrambled Eggs, Fancy,— After turning in fiveeggs as above, add a cupful of canned tomatoes,drained <strong>and</strong> chopped quite fine ; or, chopped ham orbacon instead of tomatoes.Plain Omelet.— It is better to make two or threesmall omelets than to attempt one large one.Scrape the pan <strong>and</strong> wipe it dry after each omeletis made. Use little salt: it keeps the eggs fromrising. Heat the fat in the pan very gradually, butget it hot almost to the browning point.Beat four eggs just enough to break them well;or, break into a bowl with four tablespoonfuls milk,<strong>and</strong> w^hip thoroughly. Add a little salt. Put twoheaped teaspoonfuls of butter in the pan <strong>and</strong> heatas above. Pour egg into pan, <strong>and</strong> tilt the panforward so that the egg flows to the far side. Assoon as the egg begins to set, draw it up to theraised side of the pan with a knife. Beginningthen at the left h<strong>and</strong>, turn the egg over in smallfolds until the lower part of the pan is reached, <strong>and</strong>the omelet has been rolled into a <strong>com</strong>plete fold.Let the omelet rest a few seconds, <strong>and</strong> then turn outinto a hot dish. Work rapidly throughout, so thatthe omelet is creamy instead of tough. It shouldbe of a rich yellow color.Ham Omelet.— Cut raw ham into dice. Fry.Turn the beaten eggs over it <strong>and</strong> cook as above.Bacon can be used instead of ham.Fancy Omelets.— Take tender meat, game, fish,or vegetable, hash it fine, heat it in white sauce

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