Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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CURED MEATS 335cold water to cover it. Let it <strong>com</strong>e slowly to aboil, <strong>and</strong> then merely simmer until done. Time,about one-half hour to each pound. Vegetablesmay be added toward the end, as directed on page299. If not to be used until the next day, leavethe meat in its liquor, weighted down under thesurface by a clean rock.Corned Beef Hash.— Chop some canned cornedbeef fine with sliced onions. Hash up with freshlyboiled potatoes, two parts potatoes to one of meat.Season highly with pepper (no salt), <strong>and</strong> somemustard if liked. Put a little pork fat in a fryingpan,melt, add hash, <strong>and</strong> cook until nearly dry<strong>and</strong> a brown crust has formed. Dehydrated potatoes<strong>and</strong> onions can be used according to directionson packages.Stew luith Canned Meat.— Peel <strong>and</strong> slice someOnions. If the meat has much fat, melt it ; if not,melt a little pork fat. Add onions, <strong>and</strong> fry untilbrown. Mix some flour into a smooth batter withcold water, season with pepper <strong>and</strong> salt, <strong>and</strong> pourStir the whole well together.into the camp kettle.Cut meat into slices, put into the kettle, <strong>and</strong> heatthrough.Lobscouse.— Boil corned beef as above (if verysalty, parboil first, <strong>and</strong> then change the water),.^^bout thirty minutes before it is done add slicedV^otatoes <strong>and</strong> hardtack.SluTugullion.— When the <strong>com</strong>missariat is reducedto bacon, corned beef, <strong>and</strong> hardtack, try thissailor's dish, described by Jack London: Fry halfd dozen slices of bacon, add fragments of hardtack,then two cups of water, <strong>and</strong> stir briskly overthe fire; in a few minutes mix in with it slicesof canned corned beef; season well with peppei<strong>and</strong> salt.Dried Beef, Creamed.— Slice 3 oz. of dried beefinto thin shavings, or chop fine. Pour over it apint of boiling water, <strong>and</strong> let it st<strong>and</strong> two minutes.Turn off water, <strong>and</strong> drain beef dry. Heat aheaped tablespoonful of butter in *:he frying-pan;

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