Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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FISH AND SHELLFISH 331them. Fry two or three slices of pork in bottomof kettle. When it is done, pour over it two quartsof boiling clam liquor. Add six large potatoes,sliced thin, <strong>and</strong> cook until nearly done. Turn inthe clams, <strong>and</strong> a quart of hot milk. Season withsalt <strong>and</strong> pepper. When this boils up, add crackersor stale bread, as in fish chowder. Remove fromfire <strong>and</strong> let crackers steam in the covered pot untilsoft.Fried sliced onion <strong>and</strong> a can of tomatoes willimprove this chowder. Cloves, allspice, red pepper,Worcestershire sauce, <strong>and</strong> other condiments,may be added according to taste.Shellfish, Steamed.— See page 301.Crabsj Deviled.— Boil hard-shell crabs a fewminutes until red. Remove the back shells, <strong>and</strong>shred out the white meat. Meantime make a pasteof flour rubbed up in cold water, to which add afew drops of olive oil <strong>and</strong> some chopped green peppers.Mix swiftly with the crab meat, add a dashof cayenne, <strong>and</strong> stuff back into the shells. Bakeuntil done.(Fortiss.)

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