Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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328 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFT*Eel, Stewed.— Skin the eel, remove backbone,<strong>and</strong> cut the eel into pieces about two inches long;put in the stew-pan with just enough water toCover, <strong>and</strong> add a teaspoonful of strong vinegar or\'k slice of lemon, cover stew-pan <strong>and</strong> boil moderntelyuntil flesh will leave the bones (20 minutesto half an hour). Then remove, pour off water,iJrain, add fresh water <strong>and</strong> vinegar as before, <strong>and</strong>iilew until tender. Now drain, add cream enougl;for a stew, season with pepper <strong>and</strong> salt (no butter),boil again for a few minutes, <strong>and</strong> serve on hot, drytoast.(Up De Graff.)Parsley butter (see page 304) is a good dressing.Stew the eel until done, add parsley butter, <strong>and</strong>continue stewing until it thickens <strong>and</strong> the parsleyis cooked.An eel is too oily for direct frying; but afterstewing until quite done it may be put in a pan<strong>and</strong> fried to a nice brown.A. plain stew is made by adding only a little salt<strong>and</strong> a bit of butter, simmer gently till done, thenput enough fine bread or cracker crumbs in thewater to make a thick white sauce.Fish Roe.— Parboil (merely simmer) fifteenminutes; let them cool <strong>and</strong> drain; then roll inflour, <strong>and</strong> fr}^Miscellaneous.— Frog Legs.— First, afteriskinning, soak them an hour in cold water to w^hichvinegar has been added, or put them for two minutesinto scalding water that has vinegar in itDrain, wipe dry, <strong>and</strong> cook as below:To fry: roll in flour seasoned with salt <strong>and</strong> pepper<strong>and</strong> fry, not too rapidly, preferably in butteror oil. Water cress is a good relish wnth them.To grill: Prepare three tablespoonfuls meltedbutter, one-half teaspoonful salt, <strong>and</strong> a pinch ortwo of pepper, into which dip the frog legs, thenT'oll in fresh bread crumbs, <strong>and</strong> broil for threetnlnutes on each side.To cream: same process as for codfish (page 336)except -ti'r ^ream until simmering, season with pep-

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