Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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FISH AND SHELLFISH 325depends on species; from eight to ten minutes perpound for thick fish, <strong>and</strong> five minutes for small ones.Boiled fish require considerable seasoning <strong>and</strong> arich sauce, or at least melted butter, to ac<strong>com</strong>panythem. Besides vinegar or lemon, onions, carrots,cloves, etc., may be used in the water. Recipes^or sauces follov/. (See also pages 303 <strong>and</strong> 304.)Butter Sauce.—2 heaped tablespoonfuls butter.I heaped tablespoonful flour.1 teaspoonful salt.y^ teaspoonful pepper.Put the butter in a cold pan, <strong>and</strong> rub Into it theflour, salt, <strong>and</strong> pepper, beating well. Then pouron a scant half-pint boiling water. Cook tw^o min*utes. L^se immediately.White Sauce.—2 tablespoonfuls butter.2 heaped tablespoonfuls flour.I pint milk.Y2 teaspoonful salt.]/% teaspoonful pepper.For two, use half this.Cook butter until it bubbles. Add flour, <strong>and</strong>cook thoroughly, until smooth. Remove from directheat of fire, but let it simmer, <strong>and</strong> add the milkIn thirds, rubbing Into a smooth paste each time asIt thickens. Season last. Thick white sauce ismade by doubling the flour.Cold fish that has been left over Is good whenheated In this sauce. It can be served thus, or baked<strong>and</strong> some chopped pickles sprinkled over the top.India Sauce.— Make a white sauce as above, adda teaspoonful of curry powder, <strong>and</strong> some pickles,chopped small, with a little of the vinegar.Lemon Sauce.—Ilemon.3 tablespoonfuls sugar.y2 pint milk.I scant tablespoonful butter.

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