Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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324 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFTthe opening, or wind string several times aroui>dthe fish. Lay several strips of salt pork or baconin the pan, <strong>and</strong> several over the top of the fishSprinkle over all a little water, pepper, salt, <strong>and</strong>bread crumbs (or dredge with flour). Bake in ahot oven, basting frequently. When flakes of fishbegin to separate, it will be done. This is best forcoarse fish.Fish, Steamed.— Smear some tissue Manilapaper with butter. Clean the fish, leaving head<strong>and</strong> fins on. Season with salt <strong>and</strong> cayenne pepper.Roll each fish separately in a piece of thebuttered paper. Place the fish in a pile <strong>and</strong> envelopthem in a large sheet of paper. Then wrapthe bundle in a newspaper, <strong>and</strong> dip this in waterfor five minutes, or long enough to saturate thenewspaper. Scrape a hole in the middle of a bedof coals, <strong>and</strong> bury the package in the embers.Leave it there ten to twenty minutes, dependingupon size. The newspaper will scorch, but the innerwrappers will not. The result is a dish fit forOlympus, {Up De Graff.)Doctor Breck says of this dish:" I am so fond of steamed trout that I never fail to takewith me a dozen sheets of parchment paper (the kmd mwhich butter is sold) in which to wrap my hsh. . ..* Steam-baked ' trout are the ne plus ultra of woods cookery."Small fish can be steamed in wet basswoodleaves, or other large leaves, without buttering.For another method of steaming, see page 301.Fish, Boiled.— None but fish of good size shouldbe boiled. If the fish is started in cold water <strong>and</strong>not allowed to boil hard, it will be less likely tofall apart, but the flavor will not be so good. Itis better to wrap the fish in a clean cloth <strong>and</strong> dropit into boiling water well salted. A tablespoonfulof vinegar, or the juice of a lemon, improves thedish. Leave the head on, but remove the hns.Boil verv gently until the fish will easily part fromthe bones. Skim off the scum as it rises, lime

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