Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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GAME 317'tail should always be removed betore cooking.To cook a large bird in a hurry.— Slice off sev^eral fillets from the breast ; impale them, with slicesof pork, on a green switch; broil over the coals.Wild Goose, Roasted.— A good way to suspenda large bird before the fire is described by DillonWallace in his Lure of the Labrador Wild:**George built a big fire — much bigger than usual. Atthe back he placed the largest green log he could find. Justin front of the fire, <strong>and</strong> at each side, he fixed a forked stake,<strong>and</strong> on these rested a cross-pole. From the center of thepole he suspended a piece of stout twine, which reachednearly to the ground, <strong>and</strong> tied the lower end into a noose."Then it was that the goose, nicely prepared for thecooking, was brought forth. Through it at the wingsGeorge stuck a sharp wooden pin, leaving the ends toprotrude on each side. Through the legs he stuck a similarpin in a similar fashion. This being done, he slippedthe noose at the end of the twine over the ends of one ofthe pins. And lo <strong>and</strong> behold! the goose was suspendedbefore the fire."It hung low — just high enough to permit the placingof a dish under it to catch the gravy. Now <strong>and</strong> thenGeorge gave it a twirl so that none of its sides mighthave reason to <strong>com</strong>plain at not receiving its share ofthe heat. The lower end roasted first; seeing which,George took the goose off, reversed it, <strong>and</strong> set it twirlingagain."Time-table for Roasting Birds.— A goose or amiddling-sized turkey takes about two hours toroast, a large turkey three hours, a duck aboutforty-five minutes, a pheasant twenty to thirty minutes,a woodcock or snipe fifteen to twenty minutes.M^ild Duck, Baked.— The bird should be drypicked,<strong>and</strong> the head left on. Put a little pepper<strong>and</strong> salt inside the bird, but no other dressing.Lay the duck on its back in the bake-pan. Putno water in the pan. The oven must be hot, butnot hot enough to burn ; test with the h<strong>and</strong>. Bastefrequently with butter or bacon. A canvasbackrequires about thirty minutes; other birds accordingto size. When done, the duck should be plump,<strong>and</strong> the flesh red, not blue.This is the way to bring out the distinctive flavor

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