Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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GAME 313the head, <strong>and</strong> dress him. It is easily done; thereare no quills on the bell]^, <strong>and</strong> the skin peels asfreely as a rabbit's. Take him to camp, parboilhim for thirty minutes, <strong>and</strong> roast or broil him to arich brown over a bed of glowing coals. He willneed no pork to make him juicy, <strong>and</strong> you will findhim very like spring lamb, only better."The porcupine may also be baked in clay, withoutskinning him; the quills <strong>and</strong> skin peel off withthe hard clay covering. Or, fry quickly.As I have never eaten porcupine, I will do somemore quoting — this time from Dr. Breck: "Itmay be either roasted or made into a stew, in themanner of hares, but must be parboiled at least ahalf-hour to be tender. One part of the porcupineis always a delicacy — the liver, which is easilyremoved by making a cut just under the neck intowhich the h<strong>and</strong> is thrust, <strong>and</strong> the liver pulled out.It may be fried with bacon, or baked slowly <strong>and</strong>carefully in the baker-pan with slices of bacon."Muskrat.— You may be driven to this, some day^<strong>and</strong> w^ill then learn that muskrat, properly preparedis not half bad. The French-Canadiansfound that out long ago. Remove the musk gl<strong>and</strong>s<strong>and</strong> the white stringy substance found on the insideof the forearms <strong>and</strong> thighs. I do not rememberwhere Ipicked up the following recipe:''Skin <strong>and</strong> clean carefully four muskrats, beingparticular not to rupture musk or gall sac. Takethe hind legs <strong>and</strong> saddles, place in pot with a littlewater, a little julienne (or fresh vegetables, if youhave them), some pepper <strong>and</strong> salt, <strong>and</strong> a few slicesof pork or bacon. Simmer slowly over fire untilhalf done. Remove to baker, place water from potin the baking pan, <strong>and</strong> cook until done, basting frequently.This will be found a most toothsomedish."Muskrat may also be broiled over the hot coals,basting with a bit of pork held on a switch abovfthe beastie.Woodchuck.— I asked old Uncle Bob Flowers,

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