Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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3iaCAMPING AND WOODCRAFTWhile this is going on, slice <strong>and</strong> steam somQsweet potatoes. Take the possum out, place himin a large Dutch oven, sprinkle him with blackpepper, salt, <strong>and</strong> a pinch or two of sage. A dashof lemon will do no harm. Pack sweet potatoesaround him. Pour a pint of water into the oven,put the lid on, <strong>and</strong> see that it fits tightly. Bakeslowly until brown <strong>and</strong> crisp. Serve hot, withoutgrav}^ Bourbon whiskey is the orthodox ac<strong>com</strong>paniment.If you are a teetotaler, any plantationdarky can show you how to make " gingertea " out of ginger, molasses, <strong>and</strong> water. Cornbread, of course.It is said that possum is not hard to digest evenwhen eaten cold, but the general verdict seems tobe that none is ever left over to get cold.When you have no oven, roast the possum beforea high bed of coals, having suspended him bya wet string, which is twisted <strong>and</strong> untwisted togive a rotary motion, <strong>and</strong> constantly baste it witha sauce made from red pepper, salt, <strong>and</strong> vinegar.Possum may also be baked in clay, with his hideon. Stuff with stale bread <strong>and</strong> sage, plaster overhim an inch of stiff clay, <strong>and</strong> bake as previouslydirected. He will be done in about an hour.Coon.— It is likewise pedantic to call this animala raccoon. Coon he always has been, is now,<strong>and</strong> shall ever be, to those who know him best.Skin <strong>and</strong> dress him. Remove the " kernels(scent gl<strong>and</strong>s) under each front leg <strong>and</strong> on eitherside of spine in small of back. Wash in cold water.Parboil in one or two waters, depending upon theanimal's age. Stuff with dressing like a turkey.If you have a tart apple, quarter it <strong>and</strong> add to thedressing. Bake to a delicate brown. Serve withfried sweet potatoes.Porcupine.— I quote from "Nessmuk:" "And donot despise the fretful porcupine; he is better thanhe looks. If you happen on a healthy young specimenwhen you are needing meat, give him a showbefore condemning: him. Shoot him humanely in"

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