Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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3o8CAMPING AND WOODCRAFTjstrips about i^ inches wide <strong>and</strong> 3 inches long, cuttingtwo or three little holes through each to letsteam escape. Meantime you have been boilingmeat or game <strong>and</strong> have sliced some potatoes.When the meat is within one-half hour of beingdone, pour off the broth into another vessel <strong>and</strong> liftout most of the meat. Place a layer of meat <strong>and</strong>potatoes in bottom of kettle, <strong>and</strong> partially coverwith strips of the dough ; then another layer ofmeat <strong>and</strong> vegetables, another of dough, <strong>and</strong> so onuntil the pot is nearly full, topping off with dough.Pour the hot broth over this, cover tightly, <strong>and</strong> boilone-half hour, without lifting the pot cover, which,by admitting cold air, would make the dough" sad." Parsley helps the pot, when you can get it.Dumplings.— These add zest to a stevv' or toboiled meat of any kind. Plain dumplings aremade of biscuit dough or the batter of droppedbiscuit (recipes in chapter on Bread). Drop theminto the pot a short time before meat is done. Seealso page 358.Bear, Braised.— See page 296.Small Game.—Jambolaya.— This is a delicious Creole dish,easily prepared. Cut up any kind of small gameinto joints, <strong>and</strong> stew them. When half done, addsome minced ham or bacon, ^ pint rice, <strong>and</strong> seasonwith pepper <strong>and</strong> salt. If rabbit is used, add onions.Serve with tomatoes as a sauce.Curry of Game.— Cut some birds or other smallgame into rather small joints. Fry until lightlybrowned. Score each joint slightly, place a littlecurry powder in each opening, <strong>and</strong> squeeze lemonjuice over it. Cover the joints with brown gravy<strong>and</strong> simmer gently for twenty minutes. Servewith rice around the dish. (See also Curry Saucepage 320.)^Game Pie.— Make a plain pie crust as directedin the chapter on Desserts. Cut the game intojoints. Season rather highly. Moisten the joints

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