Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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GAME 307bacon in with it at the start the latter would beruined before the liver was done.Another way: cut liver into slices ^-inch thick,soak it one hour in cold salt water, rinse well inwarm water, wipe dry, dip each slice in flour seasonedwith salt <strong>and</strong> pepper, <strong>and</strong> fry as above.If in a hurry, put the liver on a green hardwoodstick for a spit, skewer some of the caul fat aroundit,<strong>and</strong> roast before the fire.Marrow Bones.— Cover ends with small piecesof plain dough made with flour <strong>and</strong> water, overwhich tie a floured cloth; place bones upright inkettle, <strong>and</strong> cover with boiling water. Boil twohours. Remove cloth <strong>and</strong> paste, push out marrow,<strong>and</strong> serve with dry toast.Milt (Spleen).— Skewer a piece of bacon to it,<strong>and</strong> broil.Moose Muffle (nose <strong>and</strong> upper lip).— Boil likepig's head. Add an onion.Tonffue.— Soak for one hour ; rinse in freshwater; put in a kettle of cold water, bring to aboil, skim <strong>and</strong> simmer two hours, or until tender.A blade of mace <strong>and</strong> a clove or two improve thegravy; so also Worcestershire sauce.Croquettes.— Two cups minced meat or gameof any kind, ^ cup bread or cracker crumbs, i^egg, melted butter. Roll meat, seasoning, <strong>and</strong>enough of the butter to moisten, into pear-shapedbails. Dip in beaten eggs <strong>and</strong> crumbs. Fry, withenough butter, to a nice brown.Venison Sausages.— Utilize the tougher parts ofthe deer, or other game, by mincing the raw meatwith half as much salt pork, season w^ith pepper <strong>and</strong>sage, make into little pats, <strong>and</strong> fry like sausages.Very good.Game Pot Pie.— Take J^ teaspoonful bakingpowder to >4 pint of flour, sift together, <strong>and</strong> adda teaspoonful lard or butter by rubbing it m, alsoa pinch of salt. Make a soft biscuit dough of this,h<strong>and</strong>ling as little as possible <strong>and</strong> being careful notto mix too thin. Roll into a sheet <strong>and</strong> cut into

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