Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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OUTFITTING 27sentimentalism, but that pure, intense, thoughordinarily mute affection which finds pleasure inher <strong>com</strong>panionship <strong>and</strong> needs none other. As OliveShreiner says: " It is not he who praises Nature,but he who lies continually on her breast <strong>and</strong> issatisfied, who is actually united to her." Donald G.IMitchell once remarked that nobody should go tothe country with the expectation of deriving muchpleasure from it,as country, who has not a keen eyefor the things of the country, for scenery, or fortrees, or flowers, or some kind of culture ; to whicha New York editor replied that " Of this not onecity man in a thous<strong>and</strong> has a particle in his <strong>com</strong>position."No doubt a gross exaggeration ; but theproportion of city men who do thoroughly enjoy thehardy sports <strong>and</strong> adventures of the wilderness is certainlymuch larger than those who could be entertainedon a farm ;yet the elect of these, the oneswho can find plenty to interest them in the woodswhen fishing <strong>and</strong> hunting fail, are not to be foundon every street corner.If your party be made up of men ^experienced inthe woods, hire a guide, <strong>and</strong>, if there be more thanthree of you, take along a cook as well. Treat youiguide as one of yourselves. A good one deservessuch consideration ; a poor one is not worth havingat all. But if you cannot afford this expense, thenleave the real wilderness out of account for the present;go to some pleasant woodl<strong>and</strong>, w^ithin hail ofcivilization, <strong>and</strong> start an experimental camp, spendinga good part of your time in learning how towield an axe, how to build proper fires, how to cookgood meals out-of-doors, <strong>and</strong> so forth. Be sure toget the privilege beforeh<strong>and</strong> of cutting what woodyou will need. It is worth paying some wood-geldthat you may learn how to fell <strong>and</strong> hew. Here,w^ith fair fishing <strong>and</strong> some small game hunting, youcan have a jolly good time, <strong>and</strong> will be fitted forsomething more ambitious the next season.In any case, be sure to get together a <strong>com</strong>pany of

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