Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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300 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFT;meats go in cold water at the start <strong>and</strong> are graduallybrought to a boil; thereafter they should beallowed barely to simmer.Fish go in boiling salted water. Boiling meatmust be kept covered.In heating milk beware that you do not burn it.,Bring it gradually to the simmering point, but donot let it actually boil.At high altitudes it is impossible to cook satisfactorilyby boiling, because water boils at a lower<strong>and</strong> lower temperature the higher we climb. Thedecrease is at the rate of about one degree for every550 feet up TO one mile, <strong>and</strong> one degree for 560 feetabove that, when the temperature is 70°. Withthe air at 32° F., <strong>and</strong> the barometer at 30 inches,water boils at 212° at sea-level, 202.5° at 5,000feet, 193.3° at 10,000 feet, <strong>and</strong> 184.5° at 15,000feet. These figures vary somewhat according tothe purity of the water, the material of the vessel,etc.To parboil is to boil only until tender, beforecooking some other way.Stewing.— This process is slow, <strong>and</strong> should bereserved for tough meats. Use lean meat only.First brown it with some hot fat in a frying-panor put a couple of ounces of chopped pork in a kettle<strong>and</strong> get it thoroughly hot; cut your meat into smallpieces; drop them into the fat <strong>and</strong> "jiggle" thekettle until the surface of the meat is coagulated bythe hot fat, being careful, the while, not to burn it.Add a thickening of a couple of ounces of flour <strong>and</strong>mix it thoroughly with the fat; then a pintof water or soup-stock. Heat the contents of thekettle to boiling <strong>and</strong> season with salt, pepper, <strong>and</strong>chopped onion. Curry powder, if you like it, isproper in a stew. Now cover the kettle closely <strong>and</strong>hang it where it will only simmer for four or fivehours. Stews may be thickened with rice, potatoes,or oatmeal, as well as with flour. Add condimentsto suit the taste. A ragout is nothing buta highly seasoned stew. The greater the variety

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