Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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MEATS 299On removing the fish, pull off the skin, <strong>and</strong> theflesh will be found clean <strong>and</strong> palatable.A bird, for example a duck, is baked in muchthe same way. Draw it, through a small slit atthe vent, but do not remove the feathers. If youlike stuffed duck, stuff with bread crumbs or brokenbiscuit, well seasoned with salt <strong>and</strong> pepper. Wetthe feathers by dipping the bird in water; then buryit in the ashes <strong>and</strong> coals. A teal will require abouthalf an hour; other birds in proportion.Boiling.— The broader the pot, <strong>and</strong> the blackerIt is, the quicker it boils. Fresh meats should bestarted in boiling water; salt or corned meats, <strong>and</strong>those intended for stews or soups, in cold water.The meat (except hams) should be cut into chunksof not over five pounds each, <strong>and</strong> soup bones wellcracked. Watch during first half hour, <strong>and</strong> skimoft' all scum as fast as it rises, or it will settle <strong>and</strong>adhere to meat. Fresh meat should be boiled unfilbones are free, or until a fork wnll pierce easily(ten pounds take about two <strong>and</strong> a half hours).Save the broth for soup-stock, or make gravy ofit by seasoning with pepper <strong>and</strong> thickening withflour. (See page 303.)Meat that is to be eaten cold should be allowedto cool in the liquor in which it was boiled. Atablespoonful or two of vinegar added to the boilingwater makes meat more tender <strong>and</strong> fish firmer.Turn the meat several times while boiling. If thewater needs replenishing, do it w^th boiling, notcold, water. Season a short time before meat isdone. If vegetables are to be cooked with themeat, add them at such time that they will justfinish cooking when the meat is done (potatoestwenty to thirty minutes before the end ; carrots<strong>and</strong> turnips, sliced, one to one <strong>and</strong> a half hours).Remember this: put fresh meat in hard boilingwater for only five minutes, to set the juices; thenremove to greater height over the fire <strong>and</strong> boilvery slowly — to let it boil hard all the time wouldmake it tough <strong>and</strong> indigestible. Salt or corned

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