Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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MEATS 295heat of the fire, as on a spit or before a high bedof coals. Baking is performed in an oven, pit, orclosed vessel. No kitchen range can <strong>com</strong>pete withan open fire for roasting.Build a rather large fire of split hardwood (sottwoodsare useless) against a high backlog or wallof rocks which will reflect the heat forward.Sear the outside of the roast (not a bird or fish)in clear flames until outer layer of albumen iscoagulated. Then skewer thin slices of pork toupper end; hang roast before fire <strong>and</strong> close to itby a stout wet cord; turn frequently; catch drippingsin pan or green-bark trough, <strong>and</strong> baste withthem. This is better than roasting on a spit overthe fire, because the heat can be better regulated,the meat turned <strong>and</strong> held in position more easily,the roast is not smoked, <strong>and</strong> the drippings areutilized.• 1 •Just before the meat is done, baste it <strong>and</strong> sprinklewith flour, then brown it near the fire, <strong>and</strong>make gravy as directed on page 303.A whole side of venison can be roasted by plantingtwo stout forked stakes before the fire, a stubof each stake being thrust through a slit cut betweenthe ribs <strong>and</strong> under the backbone. The forwardpart of the saddle is the best roasting piece.Trim off flankv parts <strong>and</strong> ends of ribs, <strong>and</strong> splitbackbone lengthwise so that the whole will hangflat. To roast a shoulder, peel it from the side,cut off leg at knee, gash thickest part of flesh,pressbits of pork into them, <strong>and</strong> skewer some slices toupper part.When roasting a large joint, a turkey, or anythingelse that will require more than an hour ofsteady heat, do not depend upon adding wood fromtime to time, unless you have a good supply ofsound, dry hardwood sticks of stove-wood size. Ifgreen 'wood or large sticks muct be used, build abonfire of them at one side of your cooking-fire,<strong>and</strong> shovel coals from it as required. It will notdo to check the cooking-fire.

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