Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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CHAPTER XVICAMP COOKERYMeatsThe main secrets of good meals in camp areto have a proper fire, good materials, <strong>and</strong> then toimprison in each dish, at the outset, its naturaljuice <strong>and</strong> characteristic flavor. To season freshcamp dishes as a French chef would is a blunderof the first magnitude. The raw materials usedin city cuisine are often of inferior quality, fromkeeping in cold storage or with chemical preservatives; so their insipidity must be corrected by spices,herbs, <strong>and</strong> sauces to make them eatable. In cheaprestaurants <strong>and</strong> boarding houses, where the chef'sskill is lacking, " all things taste alike " from havingbeen penned up together in a refrigerator <strong>and</strong>cooked in a fetid atmosphere.In my chapter on Provisions I advised that afew condiments be taken along, but these aremostly for seasoning left-overs or for desserts —not for fresh meat, unless we have but one kind,to the surfeiting point. In the woods our fish isfreshly caught, our game has hung out of doors,<strong>and</strong> the water <strong>and</strong> air used in cooking (most importantfactors) are sweet <strong>and</strong> pure. Such vi<strong>and</strong>sneed no masking. The only seasoning requiredis with pepper <strong>and</strong> salt, to be used sparingly, <strong>and</strong>not added (except in soups <strong>and</strong> stews) until thedish is nearly or quite done. Remember this: saltdraws the juices.The juices of meats <strong>and</strong> fish are their mostpalatable <strong>and</strong> nutritious ingredients. We extractthem purposely In making soups, stews, <strong>and</strong> gravies^2Q0

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