Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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282 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFTthe skin from the bone of the tail with a split stickgripped firmly in the h<strong>and</strong>. Then flay the animal,scrape the pelt clean, <strong>and</strong> put it on a stretcherto dry.Dressing Birds.— Turkeys, geese, ducks, <strong>and</strong>grouse are usually dry picked. If this could bedone while the bodies were still warm, it wouldbe no job at all; but after they are cold it generallyresults in a good deal of laceration of the skin —so much so that sometimes the disgusted operatorgives up <strong>and</strong> skins the whole bird. It would bebetter to scald them first, like chickens. In drypicking, hang the bird up by one leg, pluck firstthe pinions <strong>and</strong> tail feathers; then the smallfeathers from shanks <strong>and</strong> inside of thighs; thenthe others. Grasp only a few feathers at a timebetween finger <strong>and</strong> thumb, as close to the skin aspossible, <strong>and</strong> pull quickly toward the head. Then.pick cut all pin-feathers <strong>and</strong> quills. Singe thedown off quickly, so as not to give an oily appearanceto the skin. Ordinarily the down can be removedfrom a duck's breast by grasping the birdby the neck <strong>and</strong> giving one sweep of the open h<strong>and</strong>down one side of the body <strong>and</strong> then one down theother. In plucking geese or ducks some use finelypowdered res'n to remove the pin-feathers. Thebird is plucked dry, then rubbed all over with theresin, dipped in <strong>and</strong> out of boiling water seven oreight times, <strong>and</strong> then the pin-feathers <strong>and</strong> downare easily rubbed off.To draw a bird: cut off the head, <strong>and</strong> the legsat the first joint. Make a lengthwise slit on backat base of neck <strong>and</strong> sever neck bone close to body,also the membrane which holds the windpipe-Make a lengthwise incision from breastbone tc(<strong>and</strong> around) the vent, so you can easily drawthe insides, which must be done carefully, so asnot to rupture the gall-bladder (pheasants havenone).The idea that ducks <strong>and</strong> other game birds shouldhang until they smell badly is monstrous. If you

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