Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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—278 CAAIPING AND WOODCRAFT'the nutritive properties of these substances, thewater, of course, must be exhausted. In ordinarydried beef this Is onl)^ partially done, because thepieces are too thick.In the dry air of uninhabited plains, meat doesnot putrefy, even w^hen unsalted, <strong>and</strong> It may bedried In the sun, without fire. Elk flesh dried Inthe sun does not keep as well as that of deer.As I have said, real jerky has been dried withoutsalt; but It Is <strong>com</strong>mon practice nowadays touse some salt In the process, proceeding as follows:If you can afford to be particular, select only thetender parts of the meat; otherwise use all of thelean. Cut it In strips about half an inch thick.If you have time, you may soak them a day Instrong brine. If not, place the flakes of meat onthe inside of the hide, <strong>and</strong> mix with them about apint <strong>and</strong> a half of salt for a w^hole deer, or two orthree quarts for an elk or moose; also some pepper.These condiments are not necessary, but areadded merely for seasoning. Cover the meat withthe hide, to keep flies out, <strong>and</strong> let It st<strong>and</strong> thus forabout two hours to let the salt work In. Thendrive four forked stakes In the ground so as toform a square, the forks being about four feetfrom the ground. Lay two poles across fromfork to fork, parallel, <strong>and</strong> across these lay thinpoles about two Inches apart. Lay the strips ofmeat across the poles, <strong>and</strong> under them build a smallfire to dry <strong>and</strong> smoke the meat. Do not let thefire get hot enough to cook the meat, but only todehydrate it, so that the flesh be<strong>com</strong>es dry as achip. The best fuel Is birch, especially black birch,because It imparts a pleasant flavor. Only a thinsmoke is wanted. To confine It, if a breeze Isstirring, put up some sort of wind-break. Thiswill reduce the weight of the meat about one-half,<strong>and</strong> will cure It so that It will keep indefinitel}^You may have to keep up the fire for twenty-fouihnurs. The meat of an old bull will, of course,

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