Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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DRESSING GAME AND FISH 277divisions between the muscles. With big game like elk,some of the muscles of the thigh are so thick they requireto be split in two. A piece of meat should not exceedfive inches in thickness. Skin off all enveloping membranes,so that the curative powder will <strong>com</strong>e in directcontact with the raw, moist flesh. The flesh must be sufficientlyfresh <strong>and</strong> moist that the preservative will readilyadhere to it. The best size for pieces of meat to be curedby this process is not over a foot long, by six or eightinches wide <strong>and</strong> four inches thick.When each piece has been neatly <strong>and</strong> skilfully preparedrub the powder upon every part of the surface, <strong>and</strong> letthe mixture adhere as much as it will. Then hang up eachpiece of meat, by a string through a hole in the smallerend, <strong>and</strong> let it dry in the wind. If the sun is hot, keepthe meat in the shade; but in the North the sun helps theprocess. Never let the meat get wet. If the weather israiny for a long period, hang your meat rack where itwill get heat from the campfire, but no more smoke thanis unavoidable, <strong>and</strong> cover it ai night with a piece of canvas.Meat thus prepared is not at its best for eating untilit is about a month old ; then slice it thin. After thatno sportsman, or hunter, or trapper can get enough ofit. . . .No; this is not "jerked" meat. It is many times better.It is always eaten uncooked, <strong>and</strong> as a concentrated, stimulatingfood for men in the wilds it is valuable.{Camp-fires in the Canadian Rockies, 201-203.)It is a curious fact that blow-Hies work closeto the ground, <strong>and</strong> will seldom meddle with meatthat is hung more than ten feet above the ground.Game or fish suspended at a height of twenty feetwill be immune from " blows," if hung on atrimmed sapling well away from any foliage.Jerked Venison.— " jerky " or jerked meathas nothing to do with our <strong>com</strong>mon word " jerk."It is an anglicized form of the Spanish charqui,which is itself derived from the Quichua (Peruvian)ccharqui, meaning flesh cut in flakes <strong>and</strong>dried without salt. It is the same as the Africanbiltong. Those who have not investigated thematter may be surprised to learn that the roundof beef is 61 per cent, water, <strong>and</strong> that even the<strong>com</strong>mon dried <strong>and</strong> smoked meat of the butcheishoos contains 54 per cent, water. To condense

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