Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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274 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFTbeing cut away without skinning or gutting thecarcass.If there is a horse, or several men with a rope,to elevate the body, the animal's lower legs areskinned, the shanks removed, the hide split fromthroat ' o tail, the sides skinned free, the windpipe<strong>and</strong> p'jllet raised, the pleura <strong>and</strong> diaphragm cutloose <strong>and</strong> the carcass then raised high enough sothat the hide can be removed from the rump <strong>and</strong>back. The rectum, small intestines, <strong>and</strong> paunchare then loosened <strong>and</strong> allowed to roll out on theground. The gullet is cut, the liver taken out,<strong>and</strong> the diaphragm, lungs <strong>and</strong> heart removed.Then the skinning Is finished over the shoulders<strong>and</strong> fore legs.It is best not to cut up the meat until It Is quitecold <strong>and</strong> firm. Then split the carcass in halvesalong the backbone, <strong>and</strong> quarter it, leaving one ribon each hind quarter. The meat may then be puton a scaffold, <strong>and</strong> covered w^ith the skin to protectit from moose-birds.Two men can raise a very heavy animal clearof the ground with three stiff poles, say twelve feetlong, which are sharpened at the butts <strong>and</strong> notchedat the tips. Lay these on the ground with notchedends together over the animal's hind quarters <strong>and</strong>the sharpened ends radiating outward <strong>and</strong> equidistantfrom each other. Tie the notched endsrather loosely together with a short piece of rope,the other end of which Is tied to a gambrel thrustthrough the hind legs under the hamstrings (orattach to antlers, nose, or through lower jaw).Lift the tripod until the rope is taut, shove onepole forward a few Inches, then another, stickingthe butts In the ground as you progress, until thehindquarters are raised, <strong>and</strong> so on until the beastswings free.Bears.— These beasts, too, are generally butch'ered on the ground. In skinning, begin the Incisionsat the feet, <strong>and</strong> leave at least the scalp, Ifnot the skin of the whole head, attached. It I?

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