Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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DRESSING GAME AND FISH 263If you are in a hurry, or if the camp is not far away,it will do merely to take out the paunch <strong>and</strong> intestines; but if this is neglected gas will accumulate<strong>and</strong> putrefaction will soon set in. A bear, especially,^vill soon spoil, because the fur keeps in thevital heat, so that the body will smoke when opened,even after it has lain a long time in hard-freezmgweather.If the animal is not to be butchered on the spot,slit the skin only from vent to stomach, using thenoint of the knife, <strong>and</strong> taking care not to rupturethe paunch. Sever the intestine at the rectum, cutthe genitals free, then cut off the gullet as highas you can above the stomach, <strong>and</strong> pull all out.The carcass should lie so that this is done towardthe downhill side.Dragging a Deer.— If the ground is not toorough, nor the distance too great, a deer may becamp over the snow or leaves; but dragdragged toit head-foremost; if pulled the other way every hairwill act as a barb against the ground. Betorestarting, tie the front legs to the lower jaw. i hecarcass will slide easier, <strong>and</strong> the hide will not beso disfigured, if you first drop a bush or small treeby cutting through the roots, leaving a stub ot aroot projecting for a h<strong>and</strong>le, jhen tie the animalon the upper side of the bush, <strong>and</strong> drag away.Packing Deer on a Saddle.— To pack a deeion horseback: first, if your horse is green in thebusiness, let him smell the deer, pet him, <strong>and</strong>, itnecessary, blindfold him until you get the carcasslashed in place. Even then you may h^ve trouble^I have seen a mule get such a conniption ht at thesmell of blood that he bucked himself, deer, <strong>and</strong>saddle, off a cut-bank into a swift river; the girthhvokt, <strong>and</strong> that saddle is going yet.It may be necessary to smear some ot the deer sblood on your horse's nose to kill the scentIf the animal is antlered, remove the head <strong>and</strong>mak*^ a separate parcel of it.Re-cinch your saddle, <strong>and</strong>, if the deer is too

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