Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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CHAPTER XVDRESSING AND KEEPING GAMEAND FISHButchering is the most distasteful part of ahunter's work—a job to be sublet when you can;but sometimes you can't.When an animal is shot, the first thing to do isto bleed it, unless the bullet itself has gone cleanthrough <strong>and</strong> left a large hole of exit through whichmuch blood has drained.Even birds <strong>and</strong> fish should be bled as soon assecured. The meat keeps better, <strong>and</strong>, in the caseof a bird, the feathers are more easily plucked.Speaking, now, of large game, do not drop yourgun <strong>and</strong> rush in on a dying beast to stick it, for itmight prove an ugly customer in its death struggle.First put a bullet through its heart or spine.To cut a deer's throat would ruin the head formounting. Twist its head to one side, with thethroat downhill, if possible, so that blood will notflow over the hide; then stick your knife in at thepoint of the breast, just in front of the sternumor breastbone, <strong>and</strong> work the point of the knife twoor three inches back <strong>and</strong> forth, close up to the backbone,so as to sever the great blood-vessels. Thenif you must hurry on, perhaps after another animal,toss some brush over the carcass, or hang a h<strong>and</strong>kerchiefover it, to suggest a trap, <strong>and</strong> make a brushblaze here <strong>and</strong> there as you go along, to guide youback to the spot.If practicable, remove the entrails at once. Todo this, it is not necessary to hang the animal up.264

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