Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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PESTS OF THE WOODS 259will spring for each other in a flash, <strong>and</strong> both areabsolutely game to the last.Centipedes.— I have had no personal experiencewith centipedes. Paul Fountain says:" The centipedes were an intolerable nuisance for theyhad a nasty habit of hiding among the bed-clothes <strong>and</strong> underthe pillows, attracted there to prey on the bugs, as Isuppose ;one evil as a set-off to another. But the reiitipedeswere something more than a mere nuisance. Jt is allvery well to be bl<strong>and</strong>ly told by gentlemen who think theyknow all about it that the bites of centipedes <strong>and</strong> scorpionsare not dangerous. It may not be particularly dangerousto have a red-hot wire applied to your flesh, but it is confoundedlypainful. Yet that is to be preferred to a centipedebite, which will not only make you dance at the timeof infliction, but leave a painful swelling for many day?after, ac<strong>com</strong>panied by great disturbance of the system."The cowpunchers' remedy for centipede bites, ac-^wording to Mr. Hough, was " a chaw of tobacco onthe outside <strong>and</strong> a horn of whiskey on the inside,both repeated frequently. "Porcupines.—In northern woods the porcupineis a <strong>com</strong>mon nuisance. It is a stupid beast, devoidof rear, <strong>and</strong> an inveterate camp marauder. Youmay kick it or club it unmercifully, yet it will returnagain <strong>and</strong> again to forage <strong>and</strong> destroy. The*'porky " has an insistent craving for salt, <strong>and</strong> willgnaw anything that has the least saline flavor, anythingthat perspiring h<strong>and</strong>s have touched, such asan axe-h<strong>and</strong>le, a gunstock, a canoe paddle, <strong>and</strong> wnllruin the article. He is also ford of leather, <strong>and</strong>will chew up your saddle, bridle, shoes, gloves,belts, the sweat-b<strong>and</strong> of your hat, or any sweatycloth or rope. Foodstuffs that are salty or greasyare never safe from him unless hung up on wires-Porcupine quills, being barbed, are hard to extract.When they break off they work deep intothe flesh. They are poisonous, in a way, <strong>and</strong> causeseverepain.The porcupine is not found south of the Canadianfaunal zone, which extends well down into9ur northern States.

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