Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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PESTS OF THE WOODS 257strips of cedar bark <strong>and</strong> bunch them together intoa fagot six or eight inches in diameter, about onestrip in three being dry <strong>and</strong> the others watersoaked; bind them with strips of the inner bark ofgreen cedar. Ignite one end at the camp-fire, <strong>and</strong>set up two or more such cigars on different sidesof the camp, according as the wind may shift.Punky wood piled on a bed of coals is also good.The ammoniacal vapors from a smudge of driedcow-dung is particularly effective. I have elsewherereferred to smudges made of dried toadstools;these are peculiarly repellent to punkies. Atoadstool as large as one's two fists will hold firefor six or eight hours. A piece of one can be carriedsuspended by a string around one's neck, theburning end out. If the fungus is too damp atfirst, it can soon be dried out by placing it beforethefire.Scorpions.— Scorpions are not un<strong>com</strong>mon as^ar north as Missouri. I often used to find themin the neighborhood of St. Louis — little red fellowsabout 4 inches long. In the southwest, wherethey abound, they grow to a length of 6 or 7inches. They hide by day under flat rocks, indead trees, <strong>and</strong> in moist, dark places generally, <strong>and</strong>do their foraging at night. They are very belligerent,always fighting to the death. They carrytheir tails curled upV/ard <strong>and</strong> forward, <strong>and</strong> canonly strike upward <strong>and</strong> backward. They aresometimes unpleasantly familiar around camp,especially in rainy weather, having a penchant forcrawling into bedding, boots, coat sleeves, trouserslegs,etc.The sting of a small scorpion is about as severeas that of a hornet; that of a large one is moreserious, but never fatal, so far as I know, except tosmall children. After a person is stung a fewtimes he is inoculated, <strong>and</strong> proof against the poisontnereafter. If you get stung, take a hollow keyor small tube, press the hollow with force over thejuncture, causing- th**. poison <strong>and</strong> a little blood to

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