Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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—PESTS OF THE WOODS 253they are accordingly most aboundingdry, s<strong>and</strong>y localities;on the mountains. The Pacific slope is worthy of beingcalled flea-dom." Orton, The Andes <strong>and</strong> the Amazons,pp. 484-487.Northern Chiggers.— The moquim mentionedabove answers the description of our own chigger,jigger, red-bug, as she is variously called, which is anentirely different beast from the real chigger or•chigoe of the tropics. I do not know what may bethe northern limit of these diabolic creatures, buthave made their acquaintance on Swatara Creek inPennsylvania. They are quite at home on theorairies of southern Illinois, exist in myriads on theOzarks, <strong>and</strong> throughout the lowl<strong>and</strong>s of the South,<strong>and</strong> are perhaps worst of all in some parts of Texas.The chigger, as I shall call it, is invisible on one'sskin, unless you know just what to look for. Get iton a piece of black cloth, <strong>and</strong> you can distinguishw^hat looks like a fine grain of red pepper. Put itunder a microscope, <strong>and</strong> it resembles, as Orton says,a minute crab. It lives in the grass, <strong>and</strong> on the underside of leaves, dropping off on the first man orbeast that <strong>com</strong>es its w^ay. Then it prospects for agood place, where the skin is thin <strong>and</strong> tender, <strong>and</strong>straightway proceeds to burrow, not contenting itself,like a tick, w^ith merely thrusting its head in <strong>and</strong>getting a good grip, but going in body <strong>and</strong> soul, toreturn no more. The victim is not aware of whatis in store for him until he goes to bed that night.Then begins a violent itching, which continues for aweek or two. I have had two hundred of thesetormenting things in my skin at one time.If one takes a bath in salt water every night beforeretiring, he can keep fairly rid of these unwel<strong>com</strong>eguests. A surer preventive is to rub keroseneon the waists, neck, ankles, <strong>and</strong> abdominal region.Powdered sulphur dusted into one's drawers <strong>and</strong>stocking legs will do if one keeps out of the bushes.Naphthaline may be used successfully in the sameuianner.The country ReppJ.e sometimes rub themselves

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