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Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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252' CAMPING AND WOODCRAFT"these despicable enemies he could not conquer.with Scorpioncocked tails, spiders six inches in diameter, <strong>and</strong> c^entlo'fmos^^uitoes' ?". !^^ '°^^"^' ^'' "^ ^^'^ ^ ^^^ - ^ ^Kid.Ji'i ^^^ ^•"'"^. o^„ s<strong>and</strong>-fly, a species ofcalled tromhidiummosquito in Peru. It is a minute,dipterdark-coloredwith two triangular, horny lancets,mall, which leavecircular ared spot on the skin. It works bylie/ingday rethe mosquito at sunrise. It is the great scourge ofIn ,W "'""k ^'"^ ^ paradisiac spotanis%onverted^in°oinferno by its presence. There are severalwhich speciesfollow one another in succession through theall of them daybeing diurnal. Their favorite regionto be on is saTdthe Cassiquiare <strong>and</strong> upper Orinoco. (3.)The maruim, which resembles the pium.infinitely The- arenumerous on the Jurua. Humboldt estimatedthere were a million to a cubic foot of air where he was.^otucac^Wtd tabono/.iv on the. NMaranon {Hadruslepidotus) resembling a small horse-fly, of a bronze-blackcolor with the tips of the wings transparent, <strong>and</strong>midable a for-proboscis, ...(5) The moquim ... a microscopic scarlet acarus resembhnga minute crab under the glass. It swarm's onweeds <strong>and</strong> bushes <strong>and</strong> on the skin causes an intolerableItching. An hour's walk through the grassy streets of1 effe was sufficient to cover my entire bodv with mvriadsoi moquims, which it took a week, <strong>and</strong> repeated bathingwith rum, to exterminate.{e) Carapdtos or ticks {ixodes), which mount to thetips of blades of grass, attach themselves to the clothes ofpassersby,_<strong>and</strong> bury their jaws <strong>and</strong> heads so deeplv in theflesh that It IS difficult to remove them without leaving theproboscis behind to fret <strong>and</strong> fester. In sucking one's bloodthey cause no pain; but serious sores, even ulcers often'result. ...These few forms of insect life must forever hinder thesettlement of the valley. . . . Besides there are ants . .innumerable in species <strong>and</strong> individuals, <strong>and</strong> of all sizestrom the little red ant of the houses to the mammoth to'-k<strong>and</strong>era, an inch <strong>and</strong> a half long. , . . Thelatterbites fiercely, but rarely causes death. Doctor Spruce likensthe pain to a hundred thous<strong>and</strong> nettles. ... On the Tapajoslives the terrible fire-ant . . . whose sting is likenedto the puncture of a red-hot needle. The saiihas are notcarnivorous, but they make agriculture almost impossible.. . .There are black <strong>and</strong> yellow wasps. . . . The largehairy caterpillars should be h<strong>and</strong>led with care as theirritation caused by the nettling hairs is sometimes a seriousmatter. Cockroaches are great pests in the villages. Licehnd a congenial home on the unwashed Indians of every^nbe. but particularly the Andean. Jiggers <strong>and</strong> fleas prefer

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