Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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250 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFTallies of Auld Reekie, when spending a night in aherder's cabin on the summit of the Smokies, thatI have* arisen in desperation <strong>and</strong> rubbed myself fromhead to foot with kerosene. That settled the fleas.Citronella will do as well.If you catch a flea, don't try to crush it, for youcan't, but roll it between the fingers ; that break?its legs; than you can open your fingers <strong>and</strong> kill it.A good way, if water is h<strong>and</strong>y, is to keep a tightgrip until you get your thumb <strong>and</strong> finger into somewater — a flea can't swim — then, if it is not alreadyfilled with blood, it will sink, <strong>and</strong> drown, <strong>and</strong>go to meet its reward, which, let us hope, is a hot one.When you have to occupy a cabin infested withfleas, scrub it out with hot soapsuds, <strong>and</strong> see thatthe site is well wet beneath the floor. Fleas willnot stay in a wet place.Blood-Sucking Flies.—In northern forests wehave several species of flies that attack man. Thedeer-fly or '' bull-dog " is a small gad-fly that drivesher dagger-like m<strong>and</strong>ibles into one's skin so viciouslythat she takes out a bit of flesh <strong>and</strong> makes the bloodflow freely. The black-fly {Similium molestum) isa stout, hump-backed, black termagant with transparentwings, from one-sixth to one-quarter inchlong. This creature is a <strong>com</strong>mon nuisance of theforests <strong>and</strong> along the streams of northern New Engl<strong>and</strong>,the Adirondacks, the Lake region, <strong>and</strong> Canada.She keeps busy until late in the afternoon, poisoningeverything that she attacks, <strong>and</strong> raising a painfullump as big as a dime at every bite. Closely relatedspecies are the buffalo-gnat <strong>and</strong> turkey-gnat of theSouth, which sometimes appear in incredible numbers,driving animals frantic <strong>and</strong> setting up an inflammatoryfever that may prove fatal. Blackflies<strong>and</strong> their ilk are easily driven away by smudges.Mosquito dopes will protect one from them.Blow-Flies.— Worst of all flies, though fortunatelyrare in the North (it has been known to reachCanada), is the screw-worm fly {Compsomyia macellaria),a bright metallic-green insect with golden re-

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