Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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PESTS OF THE WOODS 249Oil cedar i dram.Quassia i dram.Gum camphor4 drams.Vaseline, yellow 2 drams.Dissolve camphor in vaseline by heat; when cold addremainder.I doubt if peppermint adds anything to the efficacyof this formula, <strong>and</strong> would substitute citronellaor lavender.The principles to be observed in <strong>com</strong>poundinga dope of one's own are ( i ) choose your repellentsor insecticides, or both; (2) add enough lanolin,vaseline, castor oil,or other base to give the desired**body." It is well to incorporate some good antisepticw^ith the stuff,to relieve irritation <strong>and</strong> poisoningfrom bites already received, <strong>and</strong> to serve as ahealing ointment for abrasions, bruises, <strong>and</strong> otherinjuries, as already mentioned. Any ingredientthat irritates the skin or makes the eyes smart shouldbe avoided, except where insects are so bad thatsuch addition may be necessary.Bites <strong>and</strong> Stings.— To relieve the itching ofinsect bites the <strong>com</strong>mon remedies are ammonia ora solution of baking soda. A better one is to covereach bite with flexible collodion (" New Skin ") ;but be sure the bottle is always securely stoppered,for the ether ofthe solvent evaporates very quickly<strong>and</strong> then the stuff is useless.A bee leaves its sting in the wound, <strong>and</strong> this ofcourse should be removed ; a wasp, hornet, or yellowjacketcan sting repeatedly. For the pain, applyammonia or baking powder solution, or a weak solutionof carbolic acid, or wet salt, moistened clay, amud poultice, a slice of raw onion, or a moist quidof tobacco.Fleas.— In the high mountains of North Carolina<strong>and</strong> adjoining States there are no mosquitoes,at least none that sing or bite; but if a man sitsdown on a log, it may be five miles from any house,the chance is good that he will arise covered withfleas. I have been so tormented by these nimble

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